Sunday, September 19, 2010

one month.

it has been about a month since i've been here and i realized i haven't posted much, or at all?, in the past month. it has been a crazy, exciting, fun month and it's about time i shared it with you!

My internship is a sales position at the Disney Institute. When I first applied for the role, I honestly didn't know much about DI, i had researched it, but didn't quite grasp the whole idea. Now, i can tell you so much about it. For those who don't know, Disney Institute is Disney's professional development company. They offer programs that range from 90 minutes to 3 and a half days, as well as tours and other training. The programs range from inspiring creativity to quality service and others. They teach company's to think the Disney way, and learn Disney's approach, so that they can apply it to their own business and be successful. i have a attended a couple of programs and it is truly a program I stand by and believe in.

Our office is in Celebration, which is a cute little town right outside of Orlando. I even get my own cubicle! Everyone i work with is so nice and they all have such different backgrounds and unique experiences with Disney. I am already learning so much from each of them! It is so interesting how everybody's different journey's have led them there. There are a few other interns, some have had previous experience working for Disney, while others are completely new to the company. They are all so nice and we get along so well! Great people to work with and great people to know.

So what is it that I do? Each of us interns were assigned to a sales manager who we are working directly under. It is great because we are all doing similar but not the same things. We all get to do things on our own, but work together at times. Some of our responsibilities include creating contracts, doing turnovers, invoices, etc. We also get to help our Sales Managers with special projects they are working on. We essentially hold the same responsibilities as the sales assistants and sales coordinators do.

I absolutely love it here!

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